Okay, so it has been A WHILE since I post a recipe, I have been too busy EATING which you will see the consecuences on my future posts, but back to the subject, I always forget to take pictures of what I am cooking and always remember about my intent to post AFTER the plate is empty and licked...(ok so I am exaggerating a bit here)
This time was the exception.
Here is one of my recipes to make a delicious italian dish.
We called them Sorrentinos, but in the U.S. I haven't seen this word anywhere, so basically you can call them huge tortellinis.
I bet a few of my italian fellow bloggers will correct me...
I learned to do this when I lived in Argentina for a few years and my mother in law is half Italian, so she used to make EVERYTHING from scratch...especially pastas and pastries...YUM!
It's really easy..but of course it takes time, so make sure there is food in your stomach while doing this to prevent eating the stuffing!!!
- Buy the flour made rounds a.k.a as "plantillas", the ones you would buy to make an oven baked pastry. These are usually on the hispanic or latin aisles at your local supermarket.If your supermarket does not have one of these aisles, then most probably you are not going to even enjoy this dish anyways...jk
- Stretch the "plantilla" a little bit so it's not as stiff and you can work with it better
- You should have the stuffing for your "sorrentinos" prepared and ready to go.You should try the one I use which is made of Ricotta cheese, mozzarella cheese cut in small pieces, cooking ham in tiny pieces, basil leaves and chopped walnuts.Salt and pepper to taste, and when the mixture is tasty enough to eat it alone, you know is ready.
- put a small teaspoon of the mix in the center of the "plantilla"
- dab your finger in some water and pass it along the border of the "plantilla" as if it were glue.
- fold the "plantilla" and glue both sides together by pressing them with your index finger...I guess that would be the one you use the most to point at people...yeah u know the one I'm talking about! that finger is strong man!
- this is the way it should look..like a half moon..or something like it...u get the idea!
- hopefully you didn't use your finger too hard cause this is the step where you need that gorgeous "sorrentino" in your hand so you can do the last fold!! You basically take the two ends and make them meet. You can add a dab of water so it will glue better.
- and press firmly...making sure they are glued..
- isn't that a BEAUTY?? wait until you eat them!!
You can use any sauce to go with it but these are so scrumptious that I eat them with a little bit of butter, drizzle extra virgin olive oil,salt and some parmesan cheese...
simple, classic but it will allow me to savour the yummy filling.
Bon Appetit!!!

love love ravioli!! ;D
ravioli is my fave!! i love it in a creamy cheese sauce!
thanks for sharing!
if you like we can follow each other on bloglovin :)
let me know!
Hey!! I am from UK. this: £ is the pound sign :P
i am not sure if primark is anywhere else in the world other than uk.... but i have heard you guys have loads of forever21s which i can only find in london!
I am following you now via bloglovin.
I look forward to reading your future posts :)
It looks yummy!
And, related to the previous comment, we have a Primark in Belgium :) that's were I bought the sweater I'm wearing on my last post btw ;)
xo xo
look yummy !
OMG I want to eat it right now !!!*
It looks so good*
Thanks you for your comment*
ahhh!this is so yummiiii!!Its 10.50 pm in here and Im starviiing :( THANK YOU :D
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