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Reminiscing on Single-town

I went to a birthday get-to-gether a couple of weeks ago, 
he lives in this old, small but quite spacious apartment in South Beach.
He is from Colombia, and very well traveled.
One of the most funniest, wittiest and interesting creatures I have had the pleasure to know recently.

As a creative bartender, he makes his own "flavored bitters"
For his birthday we decided to surprise him with alcoholic beverages and all the ingredients to make delicious 
"arepas" ....

I always admire the personal touches that people give to their cribs...
but these ones just blew my mind!

Being here transported me to the years when I was single and living right in front of the beach.
The air had that slightly saltiness.
Between some brews, a couple of Pinot Grigios
between the laughter
I closed my eyes.
And there I was, once again,
to one of my favorite moments of my life.
Thank God for Good friends!


Fashions Not A Luxury said...

HI! Farah :) how have you been?

Cute Post I'm from Colombia Too!
Sorry for the late response! :/ on the Sassy Water. NO BOILING! You just have to combine everything in a big pot - ADD 3 Qtrs of Water, 2 Lemons, 1/2 Cucumber, 10-12 Mint Leaves. Cover the Pot and let it sit overnight. Then just start pouring it into Bottles and you'll have enough of water for 2 days! After it's done throw away and start all over! :) Its so refreshing & healthy i love it i have it everyday during Morning, Lunch, Dinner.
Well i drink lots of green Antioxidant Green Tea - i'm not really about the caffeine or not. I really like the brands Celestial and Bigelow .
Have you tried the Sassy Water yet ?
Besitos XO AR

Unknown said...

Sounds interesting and fun.

Bohemian Babushka said...

wow- I was right there with you! Storytelling w/pics, you've got it down pat mujer.


Unknown said...

Looks like fun! Do you know I've never had arepas? Must. Try. Soon.