Yes! I must admit she looks absolutely stunning for a 49 yr old, but lets not forget and lets start to admit, ( for our mental sake and health!) she has done several procedures to look this great and continues to do so...not that this is wrong or anything but, people tend to talk about her as if she has aged so graciously and naturally....which simply she hasn't. Well not the "naturally " part of it anyhow....oh well, Happy Birthday to you Demi, thanks for making some of us believe this goodlookin stuff comes to those who work hard at the gym and dont have enough money for beauty treatments or procedures like you...ejem...whatever.
PS....we cant wait for you to turn 50 already! ;)))
can't a gal be jealous one time??? geeezzz...
She looks stunning and I hope by the time I hit 40's I better, look like her and even JLo that she is 42...LOL
Ella no me parece tan linda de verdad...hay que aceptar that she looks good...pero hasta ahi...en mi opinion Jane Fonda es el mejor ejemplo de cuidado fisico y envejecimiento natural...o "semi natural"...jeje
Ha yes. We can feel a little jealous it is ok I guess.lol
she does look gorgeous!
I like your post is very beautiful!!
She does look amazing for her age. Though she's been loosing a lot of weight..hopefully she's still healthy.
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