I love Sunday brunch!
Every time I can spend a Sunday with my hubby is heaven for me...
Yesterday we decided to go to Morgans
It was pouring rain outside, it was really hard to get out of bed
so I wore my Banana republic cozy sweater,
channeling my inner Audrey.
My hubby and I are always in tune,
especially on rainy mornings...

Later on that day, one of my dearest friends came by for some wine and quality time...
in between those, we always manage to become as silly as we can
and become kids again.
This was the perfect end to my weekend
pun intended.
Hope you had a great one!
You are rocking that sweater! Brunch looked like it was just what you needed to turn that gloomy day upside down! I agree time with the hubs alone(esp. since we have kids) is heaven. We feel so at peace and just enjoy each other!
Yummy, romantic and fun. Looks like a great day to me.
Cute sweater even though you live in Miami :/
And this is why I voted for you in the "Love" Category. The amor and joy of "just being" is everywhere in this post. Keep on feelin' groovy.
I love Sunday Brunch with the hubby too! Looks like you both had a nice time...and you are totally rocking that sweater.
Q rico ese bruch!!!
You look gorgeous!... Migue cambio de look? Saludos
besos friend
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