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How to make your baby and dog love each other

I remember it clearly.
The feeling of knowing that in a couple of months I would have my first human baby.
I say human cause I already had a baby...a furry one, and I loved him with all my heart.
I understand that not everyone sees their pet as their babies, but I do, and I also knew that like me, there were other.
If this is your case, read on.

I remember praying every single day for my dog, CoCo, who was categorized by his vet as an "alpha dog", who was hard to groom by males, who barked fearlessly at any man, woman or child who entered my house, who bit my husband every time he picked him up, would love and respect my future baby...BOY.
I knew that leaving CoCo EVER was a non negotiable for me.
He was my baby...and I loved him.
Today, I am happy and grateful to say that CoCo and Gianni have an amazing relationship.
They play together and even when Gianni takes advantage of him, CoCo seems to be patient and tolerant.
CoCo does not feel replaced and doesn't feel less loved because of Gianni and I think that is the key.

 Start by doing this:

Imagine yourself as your dog.
Would you feel jealous or replaced if all of a sudden a new sister/brother came into your home, 
and is the center of attention of your parents who used to give it all to you?
Most probably!  Right?
Well, according to this, here are some tips that helped me encourage a healthy, respectful relationship between my furry baby and well...the human one ;)

Make a great introduction
This starts during pregnancy. CoCo was not fond of children or babies.
When I had Gianni's room set up, I swaddled a teddy bear and I put it in the crib.
Every now and then I would go and cuddle the teddy and treated him as a baby.
Another thing that I did was showing CoCo that Gianni's room was NOT his room, so with the help of treats, I showed him he couldn't go inside without my permission.
This sets boundaries and limits that dogs need.
When you bring the baby to the house, try to introduce baby and dog outside of the house first.
Let your dog sniff the baby and while he does, speak kindly to him saying "good boy", reinforcing the positive behavior.

Make time for dog
I know its hard to do this as you even have any time for yourself , however, think of your dog as if he was another human child under your care.
Imagine he is your babies sibling that can become jealous of your love and and attention.
Changes the perspective right?
If you are breastfeeding, talk to your dog.
If the baby cries, give a treat to your dog.
If you are holding baby,let dog be by your side. It is all about integrating your dog instead of alienating him.
Pet him in front of baby.
Your dog will associate these different situations as positive.

Praise Praise Praise
Dogs live on it.
Whenever dog sniffs baby: praise.
Whenever dog licks baby: praise
whenever dog stays calm during babies cries: praise.
when the dog doesn't react if his ear gets pulled by baby: praise
Watch their interaction constantly.

Encourage play
When Gianni started to be on the floor,
I always wanted for CoCo to be by his side, to not fear this little moving thing.
So i gave CoCo treats very closely to Gianni.
I also showed CoCo to kiss Gianni and he got a treat.
I always sat Gianni right next to CoCo for pictures. 
At the beginning CoCo felt uneasy and left but then after a while he got used to it.
Like everything in life.

I have to admit that CoCo was trained long before Gianni came to our lives, so this too played an important key to helping and facilitating training him into accepting, respecting and love Gianni.

Above all, I teach CoCo to respect Gianni but I also teach Gianni to respect CoCo.
He has to love, accept and treat CoCo kindly.
I think this is one of the first steps to become a considerate and kind person in society.

What are your input in this post?
Leave your comments below!


Unknown said...

Loving all your tips, thanks for sharing

Unknown said...

Que preciosuras :) Muy buenos consejos

Adrianas Best Recipes said...

I love your family all al so handsome and that baby and the dog the cutest thing ever, God belss

María laura Varela Rodriguez said...

Muy buenos consejos, es bueno tomarse el tiempo de crear una buena relación. Aunque creo que a algunos perros no tienen afinidad con los niños, creo que vale la pena intentarlo todo.

Unknown said...

No es facil esa transicion pero es evidente que es todo un exito para ti.

Gitanas said...

Thank you you are sweet!

Gitanas said...

Hay que meterle caña! Jeje

SWFL Doula said...

Great tips! Your babies are super cute!

Unknown said...

Amo los perros y los gatos y me encanta leer como amas a Coco. Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de escribir y compartir estos tips, es importante desarrollar una buena relación y convivencia.

Gilda Campos said...

Que buenos consejitos. En casa estamos pensando en adquirir un compañerito para nuestra beba, voy a platicar esto con mi esposo en base a tu experiencia. Gracias

Natalia Carter said...

¡Qué ternura de post! Me encanta que los niños tengan contacto con mascotas desde pequeños, así aprenden responsabilidades.

Silvia said...

Yo nunca tuve perros en casa, pero mi esposo siempre tuvo una mascota. Mis hijos ya están pidiendo un perrito y estamos considerándolo. Buenos tips!

Taty said...

You have great tips
Lucky for me my kids always have had a natural love for dogs!

Romina Tibytt said...

Me encantó tu post, y aunque no tengo perro, es una pregunta que me hice muchas veces al ver fotos de perritos y bebés manifestándose cariño mutuamente jeje! Un tópico original.

S. Yissele said...

Excelentes tips! Que bello tu bebé y tu mascota! Congrats y